Summer 2007

SUMMER GREETINGS! Summertime! When the living is easy!!! This time it really feels like summer. so amazing to feel the heat from the hot sun and the wonderful warm evenings that these hot days bring about, with the still long days of light extending the evening bliss. Sloooowing down even more as people who live in hot climates realize. Moving fast when it’s hot is just not comfortable! Time to spend outdoors, swimming in the ocean, walking the beaches and paths in the woods, taking in the full blooming of the summer plants and trees, sitting in the evening with a good book and a cool drink by your side.

Offering for the summer season: RETREAT DAY @ SOURCE POINT STUDIO, 3263 Heather St., between W16 & W17. SUNDAY JULY 29, 12-5pm. Investment: Sliding scale: $55-$75. Through Continuum’s intricate sound sequences accompanied by movement explorations, we connect to our inner, dynamic fluid selves. We inculcate environments designed to elicit new creative responses, like a “movement tour,” expanding our range of interaction and encouage new “plays” within our bodies and with the environment. We will interweave this creative sourcing into the play of our dreams and dreamtime images, ritual and expressive arts. THEME – Exploring the elements from within and connecting to “other” – how does the eros of water, fire, air and earth interact in the space, in the ordinary space of our lives and in the extraordinary spaces in our dreamtime world and in our creative expressions. Is there a carryover, a leaning and a gleaning from one to the other or do they remain fragmented, separate? We will explore how to bring them together and enrich our souls and our lives.

Emilie Conrad’s book, Life on Land, The Story of Continuum, is here at last! I am almost through my copy and am so moved by Emilie’s heart and gut wrenching telling of her life, her visions and how Continuum Movement came about through all of this. It’s an amazing story. She even has included in one of the Appendices, a Continuum practicuum for those of you who have been hungering for a written exposition of some of the Continuum processes. For more information and reviews: Also just released by Bonnie Gintis, DO,Engaging the Movement of Life, Exploring Health and Embodiment Through Osteopathy and Continuum. Both books are being carried by Banyen Books in Vancouver.

With the lack of a weekly class schedule, I intend on luxurating in more free and easy time this summer. However, I am looking forward to attending a week long workshop on basics of “Portals of Perception” in July at Edenvale with Hubert Goddard and Susan Harper and the one-day workshop with Caryn McHose, author of “How Life Moves” and assistant to Hubert in his workshops. We have been exploring some of the exciting sequences from that book in my classes this year. And another state of bliss, in August I have booked our waterfront cabin on Cortes Island for a week. I was there for 5 days in June following my 70th birthday celebration and was once again carried so quickly into the deep peace that that heavenly place engenders in my psyche and soul.

Re fall classes and workshop: I am once again on the hunt for appropriate and reasonable rental spaces especially for evenings and weekends. I would really appreciate your letting me know if you have any ideas of spaces for me to check out.

Closing with excerpts of a birthday poem sent to me by Susan Harper, I extend these prayers to you:

May you work well and nest in the earth’s lap of belonging
May there always be a coin or two in your pocket.
May you dance wildly and know courage in the face of fear.
May you find your root voice and may your unique song
fill the air as clouds stream through the mountains.
May you rest in the vastness of spce and the depths of silence.

…may gentle spring and summer winds ripen what grows in your fields.

With love & blessings, Doris


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